Tuesday 27 April 2010


Onomatopoeias (i.e. words imitating the sound they describe) are quite usual in Lurion, not only in words that represent sounds, but also in words that have some sort of representative ring to it.

Some examples:

αᴧαᴧειн - 'to sing' ("ahlalalaala")
κрαнxειн - 'to break' ("krrraaahnx") (with [x] mind you, not [ks])
цοφειн - 'to blow' ("vohff")
ᴧοрδιι - 'heavy' ("lohr lohr lohr")
ἱεнιι - 'thin' ("híëní")

Ofcourse the representations are pretty off (and silly), but it might give you a good impression.


  1. Nice! I agree on most of them, also very funny the "lohr" for "heavy". I was surprised not to find any related to "hahaha" or laughter or sadness.

  2. 'To laugh' is similar to 'to sing': ἁᴧυειн. These are all just examples, there will be many more, either on purpose or subconscious.
